gilaa boo :D :p

10 hotel termahal di dunia 1. Penthouse Suite at The Hotel Martinez: $37,200 Cannes, France Cannes is a summer haven for sun-deprived Europeans, and the annual film festival is one of the biggest events of the season. The Penthouse Suite at The Hotel Martinez is the ritziest place to stay, located on the seventh floor of the hotel. It has four bedrooms, and the enormous terrace has a private Jacuzzi and views of the Mediterranean. 2.Royal Penthouse Suite at President Wilson Hotel: $35,000 Geneva The name of this suite recently changed from Imperial Suite to the Royal Penthouse Suite, and the price changed as well: The last time we published this list, the suite rang in at $33,000 per night. The suite is accessed via private elevator. All doors and windows are bulletproof, and there are panoramic views of Lake Geneva. 3. The Royal Villa at Grand Resort Lagonissi: $34,088 Athens, Greece The three-bedroom Royal Villa at the Grand Resort Lagonissi in Athens has an indoor pool, an outdoor heated pool, a gym, a fully equipped kitchen and large living and dining rooms. We recommend you arrive with friends and split the cost three ways--but for the high-flying moguls who rent this villa, that is probably needless frugality. 4.Presidential Suite at Hotel Cala di Volpe: $27,277 Cost Smeralda, Italy The brightly decorated Presidential Suite at Hotel Cala di Volpe is a duplex, located in the tower wing of the hotel. There are three bedrooms, three bathrooms, an outdoor saltwater pool and a private gazebo and solarium. 5. Bridge Suite at Atlantis: $25,000 Paradise Island, Bahamas This ten-room suite comprises a bridge between the towers of the Atlantis hotel; hence the name. Past celebrity guests include Oprah Winfrey and Michael Jackson. The suite has a kitchen as well as his-and-hers bathrooms. 6. Palace Suite at Elounda Beach Hotel and Resort: $21,030 Crete, Greece Actually composed of two villas, the Palace Suite at Elounda Beach Hotel and Resort in Crete is made for those who like their space. The main villa has four bedrooms, each with its own bathroom; living and dining rooms; a private gym; a kitchen; and two outdoor swimming pools. An adjoining bungalow has an additional bedroom and a living room. 7. Royal Suite at Plaza Athenée: $17,494 Paris With views of the Eiffel Tower and Avenue Montaigne, the Royal Suite at Plaza Athenée has two private entrances, two master bedrooms, a 12-person dining room and a full kitchen. The suite was designed for the security-conscious, with video monitors trained on the balcony and a biometric fingerprint-scan system at both entryways. 8. African Sapphire Villa at Altamer: $11,428 Anguilla During high season, between Dec. 16 and Jan. 6, the African Sapphire Villa is available for a two-week minimum at a rate of $80,000 per week. Altamer resort is composed of three villas, including African Sapphire, which come staffed with butler, maids and a private chef. African Sapphire has six to eight bedrooms and a private snorkeling lagoon. 9. Presidential Suite at the Intercontinental, Hong Kong: $11,183 Hong Kong At 7,000 square feet, the new Presidential Suite at the Intercontinental, Hong Kong is one of the the city's largest. It has five bedrooms, a duplex living room with two-story windows, and a 2,500-square-foot wrap-around terrace with views of Victoria Harbour. There is also a private study, kitchenette and 24-hour room service from Alain Ducaisse's Spoon restaurant--not available at any price to anyone else in the hotel. 10. Royal Suite at Burj Al Arab: $10,900 Dubai, United Arab Emirates The highlight of this opulent suite is the circular, red canopied bed, which is mounted on a rotating platform. The bedroom is decorated in bold gold and red shades (which echo the Burj Al Arab lobby, where all the gold décor is actually 24-karat gold leaf) and there is a circular Jacuzzi in the master bathroom, which has marble floors and a chaise lounge. The suite has a private elevator and cinema as well. Diposkan oleh koleksi di 03.14

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Biodata Dari Pemain Film Twilight..

Biodata Dari Pemain Film Twilight...

1. Biodata Kristen Stewart (Bella).
Nama Lengkap: Kristen Jaymes Stewart

Nama Terkenal : Kristen Stewart
Memulai Karir  : 2001- 2012
Tempat Lahir    : Los Angeles
Tanggal Lahir    :9 April 1990
Zodiak              : Aries 
Tinggi Badan     : 168 cm 
Berat Badan      : 47 kg 
Nama Ayah       : John Stewart 
Nama Ibu  : Jules Mann-Stewart.
  film-film utamanya antara lain Panic Room, Catch That Kid, Speak, Zathura, The Messengers dan Into the Wild,  Dia berkarier di dunia film sejak tahun 2001.

2. Biodata Robet Pattinson (Edward).
Nama Asli       : Robert Thomas-Pattinso
Tanggal Lahir : 13 Mei 1986 
Tempat Lahir  : London, England, UK 
Tinggi Badan   :185.5
Kewarganegaraan : British. 
Pekerjaan Ayah     : Penjual Mobil Impor dari Amerika Serikat
Pekerjaan Ibu        : Bekerja di Agen Model
Saudara                  : Lizzy (kakak), Victoria (kakak)
Kekasih                  : Kristen Stewart (aktris)
Populer Sejak         : Berperan sebagai Edward Cullen di "Twilight" (2008)

3. Biodata Taylor Lautner (Jacob).
Nama Asli       : Taylor Daniel Launter
Tanggal Lahir : 11 Februari 1992
Tempat Lahir  : Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Tinggi Badan  : 175
Kewarganegaraan: Amerika 
Ayah: Dan Lautner
Pekerjaan Ayah: Pilot
Ibu: Deborah
Pekerjaan Ibu: Pegawai perusahaan software 
Saudara: Makena (adik)
                                         Kekasih: Taylor Swift (penyanyi)
                                         Populer Sejak: Berperan sebagai Sharkboy di "The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D" (2005)

4. Biodata mackenzie (Renesmee).
 Nama lengkap               : Mackenzie Christine Foy
 Tempat, Tanggal Lahir : Los Los Angels, 10 November 2000
 Makanan Favorit          : Makaroni dan Keju, serta Es Krim
 Umur                              : 11thn.
Renesmee Carlie Cullen adalah anak setengah manusia-setengah vampir (jenis vampir hibrida) dari pasangan Edward dan Bella Cullen.Mempunyai kulit sekeras kulit vampir, gigi setajam gigi vampir tapi tidak beracun, dahaga layaknya vampir, jantung yang berdetak cepat seperti Shape-Shifter, aliran darah yang membuat pipinya merah merona, bentuk wajah Edward dan Warna mata Bella.Renesmee di perankan oleh Mackenzie Foy .

 Foto Renesmee Bersama Bella & Edward...

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Sekilas Tentang Burung Merpati

Ringkasan untuk membedakan burung yg sehat dan yg memperlihatkan gejala sakit dengan melihat berbagai tanda yg kasat mata.
Untuk memudahkan kita bagi 2 kelompok, yaitu tanda2 yg ada di kepala dan kotoran. Sebetulnya ada tanda2 lain seperti perilaku dan warna bulu. Tapi untuk sementara kita fokus ke kepala dan kotoran saja.
1. Tonsils
Kalau di manusia, kita biasa menyebut tonsils ini dengan amandel. Tonsil merupakan bagian yang paling cepat berubah (warna dan bentuk) kalau sisten imunitas mengalami ganguan atau ada infeksi.
Kalau kita buka mulut burung, maka akan terlihat 2 bagian tonsils. Yang pertama berbentuk bulat kecil dan berada tepat di depan pipa udara (windpipe). Yang kedua bentuknya lebih besar di bagian atas pipa udara berbentuk segitiga dengan sudut lancip dibelakang. Ditengah-tengah segitiga tsb ada semacam garis sehingga segitiga seperti terbelah dua. Di dasar (depan) segitiga berbetuk bergerigi (fringe).
Burung yang sehat, warna tonsils akan sama dengan warna bagian mulut sekitarnya dan garis tengah yg memisahkan tonsil yg berbentuk segitiga akan jelas terlihat. Fringe pada dasar tonsil segitiga juga akan jelas terlihat dan merata.
Apabila sistem imunitas mengalami gangguan (ada gejala infeksi) maka tonsils akan berwarna lebih merah dari sekitarnya serta membengkak. Karena ada inflamasi maka garis tengah yg memisahkan segitiga dan fringe akan terlihat lebih dalam. Apabila pembengkakan hanya pada satu sisi dari tonsil segitiga, maka garis tengah akan terlihat bengkok (tidak lurus). Apabila ini terjadi menunjukkan burung mengalami infeksi karena goham basah (wet canker) dan infeksi saluran pernapaan. Burung yg tonsilnya mengalami abses, akan terlihat garis putih yg menonjol ke atas pada bagian bawah (dasar) pipa udara. Gejala lain pada burung yg mengalami gejala infeksi, akan terlihat bintik2 putih pada tonsils. Apabila gejala goham didiamkan maka bintik2 putih akan menggumpal dan berwarna kekuningan.
a. Awalnya mungkin masih sulit membedakan tonsil burung yg sehat dan kurang sehat. Tetapi dengan latihan yg rutin saya kira semua akan terbiasa.
b. Setiap pagi sebaiknya mulut burung diperiksa untuk mendeteksi sedini mungkin jika burung mengalami infeksi. Pemeriksaan mulut menjadi lebih penting lagi untuk burung yang akan dilatih.
2 Mucus (lendir)
Pada burung yang sehat, tenggorokan akan terlihat basah namun tidak terlihat ada penggumpalan lendir. Apabila jumlah lendir meningkat, menunjukkan ada sesuatu yg tidak beres dengan burung, meskipun belum tentu penyakit. Ketidakberesan bisa karena stress akibat lingkungan kandang yg kurang sehat (terlalu padat, makan kurang sehingga harus berebut, dll). Apabila ada gejala demikian, maka kandang perlu dievaluasi karena tingkat stress yg tinggi akan memicu berkembangbiaknya bakteri. (bakteri jumlahnya dapat berlipat 2 setiap 15 menit).
Burung yang mengalami infeksi pernapasan akan terlihat lendir berwarna putih kental. Sebetulnya lendir ini tidak diproduksi di tenggorokan tapi di organ struktur pernapasan seperti di "trachea"
Kalau kita mau melihat lendir jangan sehabis burung diberi makan atau setelah terbang karena pembentukan mucus pada saat setelah latihan merupakan gejala normal. Sementara sehabis makan, lendir bisa terbawa masuk oleh makanan..
Pada burung yang sehat, membran mucus akan berwarna pink muda. Apabila berwarna berwarna putih/pucat menunjukkan burung mengalami enemia (kekurangan cell darah merah) atau tekanan darah terlalu rendah. Membran juga akan berdenyut teratur sejalan dengan denyut jantung.
Burung yg membrannya berwarna kebiru-biruan menunjukkan ada infeksi saluran pernapasan. Tapi kadang-kadang ada juga pigmen membran dilangit-langit memang berwarna agak kebiruan. Jadi kita harus tau juga warna pigmen pada langit2 (membran).
3. Bentuk Windpipe (pipa udara)
Pipa udara pada burung sehat akan berbentuk agak lonjong dengan sudut agak runcing dibagian atas serta ada gerigi halus disekitarnya . Apabila burung mengalami kesulitan bernafas maka otot pada pipa udara akan berkontraksi sehingga lubang pipa udara berbentuk bulat. Semakin bentuknya bulat, mengindikasikan burung mengalami gangguan pernapasan.
4. Sinus
Pada tengkorak burung ada lubang2 halus yg disebut sinus yg berhubungan dengan sistem pernapasan.
Apabila burung mengalami infeksi saluran pernapasan, maka lubang sinus akan tertutup dan akibatnya akan terjadi penggumpalan cairan pada kelopak mata. Karena gravitasi maka cairan akan turun kebawah dan membasahi kelopak mata bagian bawah.
5. Ceres (Bagian Hidung yg Berwarna putih)
Burung yang sehat akan memproduksi serbuk berwarna putih yg menutupi hidung dan pelupuk mata (eyelids). Apabila burung mengalami infeksi saluran pernapasan maka produksi serbuk putih akan terhenti sehingga warna hidung menjadi kusam (tidak putih bersih) dan kotor.
6. Mata.
Burung yang sehat akan memperlihatan mata yg bersinar dan reaktif terhadap rangsangan cahaya, Apabila mata burung mulai kelihatan layu dan warna iris yg pucat mengindikasikan ada gangguan kesehata.
Banyak burung yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk menyembunyikan masalah kesehat
annya dengan baik karena mempunyai sistem imunitas yg bagus. Oleh karenanya,
banyak burung yg terlihat sehat, tetapi sebetulnya ada gangguan di dalam tubuhnya
yang apabila tidak segera diatasi dapat menjadi wabah atau setidaknya akan mempengaruhi kinerja burung kita.
Sekecil apapun masalah kesehatan yg dihadapi oleh burung, bahkan burung yg hanya mengalami stress atau tidak dapat beristirahat dengan baik akan terlihat pada perubah-
an bentuk dan warna kotorannya (dropping). Oleh karena itu, pemahaman tentan
g kotoran burung sangat penting sebagai peringatan dini sebelum wabah menye-
rang. Oleh karena itu, setiap membersihkan kandang, perhatikanlah baik-baik
bentuk dan warna kotoran. Kotoran burung juga memberikan informasi mengenai
fungsi ginjal, hati, dan kesehatan sistem pencernakan secara umum.
Apabila apada saat membersihkan kandang terlihat beberapa burung yg bentuk dan warna
kotorannya berbeda, dengan kotoran burung yang lain, kita harus waspada karena tanda-tanda burung kurang sehat dapat diibaratkan pucuk dari gunung es (sepertinya kecil, tetapi di dalamnya besar)
Untuk bisa menginterpretasikan kotoran burung yg tidak sehat, maka kita perlu tau terlebih dahulu bentuk dan warna kotoran burung yang sehat. Kotoran burung terdiri dari 2 unsur yaitu ampas makanan dan air seni (urine). Urine berbentuk 2 macm yaitu urine padat (uric acid) berwarna putih dan cair berwarna bening. Apabila semua burung dalam kandang kita kondisinya sehat, maka warna dan bentuk kotoran akan sama yaitu padat dengan warna coklat kehijauan serta sedikit warna putih ditambah dengan bulu-bulu halus yg
berserakan. Warna putih pd bagian kotoran (biasanya di atas) adalah urine padat. Bentuk kotoran ditentukan oleh fungsi ginjal.
1. Gangguan Pada Ginjal
Apabila ginjal tidak berfungsi secara sempurna, maka ginjal tidak dapat memadatkan urine (warna) putih dan memisahkan urine cair dari kotoran padat. Gangguan permanen pada ginjal relatif jarang, tapi fungsi ginjal juga bisa terganggu karena beberapa sebab antara lain pemakaian anti biotik berbasis sulfur (warna kuning), bakteri salmonella, pemberian pakan pellet (voor) ayam secara berkepanjangan, atau makanan yg mengandung toxic (pestisida). Apabila kotoran berwarna coklat kemerahan juga mengindikasikan fungsi ginjal yg terganggu. Burung yg diberi vitamin B, kotoran akan berwarna kuning mengkilat, tapi apabila kuning kusam mengindikasikan burung kurang/terlambat makan.
Yang paling perlu diwaspadai adalah apabila dalam kotoran tidak ada spot warna putih.
Burung yg mengkonsumsi garam dan vitamin yg mengandung gula secara berlebihan akan menyababkan minum berlebih. Akibatnya produksi urine juga akan berlebih.
2 Liver (Hati)
Salah satu fungsi liver yang terkait dengan kotoran adalah memproduksi enzym yg disebut "bile" yang berwarna hijau mengkilat. Apabila liver mengalami gangguan memproduksi enzym "bile" maka kotoran akan berwarna pucat. Kegagalan memproduksi enzym "bile" juga akan mempengaruhi fungsi ginjal dalam memadatkan urine sehingga warna putih yg seharusnya ada pada kotoran menjadi "lime green" (Bahasa Indonesianya mungkin hijau pupus atau hijau agak kekuning-kuningan" ).
Penyebab umum gangguan pada liver adalah bakteri salmonella, streptococcus, thrichomonads (goham) atau Chlamydia (penyebab infeksi pernafasan). Oleh karena itu, apabila kotoran tidak ada warna putih tetapi hijau kekuningan perlu diwaspadai adanya bakteri tersebut.
3.. Gangguan Pada Usus Besar
Kita perlu waspada apabila kotoran berwarna hijau, berair, atau hijau dan berair, meskipun tidak selalu mengindikasikan adanya penyakit.
Kotoran berair (mencret) bisa disebabkan oleh diare karena ada iritasi pada bagian usus besar. Kemungkinan penyebab iritasi pada usus besar adalah bakteri cocidia, hexamita, cacing atau bakteri lain.=20
Tetapi mencret juga bisa disebabkan oleh faktor lain seperti pemberian obat yg salah (overdosis) dan perubahan jenis makanan. Pemberian supplement seperti minyak ikan yg sudah kadaluarsa bisa juga menyebabkan mencret.
Kadang-kadang terjadi burung dimana kotoran yg pada pagi hari lunak tapi pada siang hari kembali normal. Apabila ini terjadi menunjukkan burung tidak beristirahat (tidur) secara baik. Hal ini bisa
disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti parasit eksternal (jamur), gigitan kutu, lingkungan kandang yg tidak sehat (terlalu terang, bising dan lembab) atau bersin karena gejala infeksi pernapasan. Bakteri E-Coli pada tahap awal menyebabkan burung sakit perut (mules) dan mengalami gangguan tidur.
Kotoran burung berair juga bisa disebabkan karena kurang/telat asupan makanan padat dan hanya minum, tetapi setelah diberi makanan padat akan kembali normal. Tetapi apabila kotoran berair terus berlanjut setelah diberi makan,maka menunjukkan adanya produksi urine secara berlebihan. Apabila ini yg terjadi maka dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor:
- Gangguan pada ginjal dimana ginjal tidak dapat memproduksi urine padat
- Penyakit yang menimbulkan rasa haus yaitu goham basah dan penyakit lain yg menyebabkan infeksi saluran pencernakan.
-Pemberian obat2an/vitamin yg mengandung garam dan gula berlebihan atau grit yg terlalu banyak mengandung
Tidak semua kotoran berwarna hijau menandakan burung mengalami gangguan kesehatan. Warna hijau bisa disebabkan oleh asupan makanan yg berwarna hijau seperti makan rumput atau kacang hijau. Tetapi apabila tidak ada asupan warna hijau kotoran berwarna hijau menandakan ada infeksi pada usus besar. Apalagi kalau warna hijau berbentuk cair. Bakteri E-Coli=A0 merupakan penyebab umum kotoran berwarna hijau.

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Ilusia Girls Nangis Dipulangkan dari X Factor Indonesia

JAKARTA - Langkah Ilusia Girls harus terhenti di Gala Show 4 X Factor Indonesia yang ditayangkan langsung RCTI pada Jumat, 15 Maret 2013 mulai pukul 21.00 WIB hingga pukul 01.30 WIB.

Grup yang diawaki Iin Nur Indah Sahib, Annisa Aprilia Baawad, Amalia Ayu Saraswati, dan Lusi Hasiana Sibarani harus pulang ke rumah masing-masing karena kalah suara di tim juri melawan Gede Bagus di posisi bottom two.

Rossa, Bebi Romeo, dan tentu saja Anggun Cipta Sasmi memilih Gede Bagus untuk melanjutkan tampil di Gala Show 5 pekan depan.

Rupanya, penampilan Ilusia Girls membawakan lagu milik Bryan Adams, "Everything I Do I Do It For You” benar kata komentar Anggun bikin pemirsa ngantuk hingga lupa untuk memilih meraka.

Selain kritik dari Anggung, Ilusia Girls juga tak luput mendapat serangan kritik dari Bebi Romeo, dan Rossa walau Ahmad Dhani membela habis-habisan anak asuhnya itu.

Sebelum masuk bottom two, Gede Bagus memberikan kejutan kepada pemirsa membawakan lagu milik Aerosmith, "I Don't Want To Miss a Thing" dengan dengan iringan dewa gitar asal Indonesia, dialah Dewa Budjana.

Sempat ada perang kata-kata cukup sengit usai Gede Bagus tampil di antara tim juri, Anggun sebagai ibu asuh Gede Bagus mendapat serangan dari Rossa juga Ahmad Dhani. Sementara Gede Bagus yang lama berdiri di sisi host Robby Purba hanya bisa terdiam tanpa kata.

Masalahnya cuma pada sisi aransemen musik yang dibawakan Gede Bagus tidak mendapat rombakan signifikan seperti yang dilakukan Anggun kepada Mikha.

Saat pengumuman peserta yang lolos ke minggu depan pun dimulai, sang pembawa acara Robby Purba mengumumkan secara perlahan satu-persatu nama peserta yang lolos. Disebutkanlah nama-nama seperti Agus Hafiludin, Alex Rudiart, Mikha Angelo dan Shena Malsiana, yang selamat ke fase berikutnya X Factor Indonesia.

Kemudian, two bottom (dua kontestan terbawah) ternyata jatuh kepada Gede Bagus dan Ilusia Girls. Mereka berdua mau tidak mau harus perform lagi "merayu" tim juri agar menyelamatkan mereka di babak Save Me Song.

Gede Bagus menyanyikan lagu “Give Me Something” milik James Morisson, sedangkan Ilusia Girls Menampilkan lagu andalan milik Lady Gaga, "You and I"

Harus diakui, Gede Bagus memang selalu menjiwai lagu yang dibawakannya, Ilusia Girls juga sebenarnya tampil baik, Namun bagaimanapun dewan juri memiliki wewenang untuk memilih salah satu diantara mereka.

Kali ini Dead Lock tidak terjadi. Tiga juri, yakni Rossa, Anggun, dan Bebi dengan suara bulat memilih Gede Bagus. Sedangkan Ahmad Dhani sudah bisa ditebak pasti memilh Ilusia Girls.

Saat dinyatakan kalah, keempat cewek berparas manis itu mengeluarkan air mata kesedihannya. Kala melepas kepulangan anak asuhnya, Ahmad Dhani memberikan pesan dan kesan.

"Saya sih secara pribadi senang dengan suara masing-masing, saya sudah berusaha sebaik-baiknya, ya, mau diapain lagi," katanya.

Kontestan XFI kini menyisakan sembilan finalis. Ahmad Dhani satu-satunya mentor yang punya satu jagoan, NU Dimention. Sedangkan Bebi Romeo masih digdaya punya anak asuh masih komplit.(tre)

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20 Fakta Mengenai Fatin Shidqia Lubis

Senin, 4 Februari 2013 07:07 wib
Fatin Shidqia Lubis saat audisi X Factor Indonesia (Foto: RCTI)
Fatin Shidqia Lubis saat audisi X Factor Indonesia (Foto: RCTI)
JAKARTA - Berikut beberapa data diri menyangkut Fatin Shidqia Lubis yang kini jadi idola baru masyarakat Tanah Air karena keunikannya dalam mengolah vokal maupun penampilannya yang imut hingga bikin gemas.

Okezone mengumpulkan dari beberapa sumber dan juga dari peristiwa yang telah terjadi yang terekam dalam video. Berikut 20 fakta mengenai Fatin:

1. Fatin sempat bergabung dengan band Could Reach Family beraliran soul jazz acoustic. Namun, dia memilih vakum dengan bandnya setelah menandatangani kontrak dengan pihak lain

2. Fatin suka humor dan orangnya mudah ketawa

3. Mendapat nomor peserta 11218 saat audisi X Factor Indonesia
4. Fatin sekolah di SMA 97 kelas 2 jurusan IPS, Jakarta Selatan

5. Fatin Sejak SMP belum permanen pakai jilbab. Saat SMA dia gak pernah lepas lagi.

6. Fatin lahir pada 30 Juli 1996, kini berusia 16 tahun

7. Fatin suka dengan warna-warna cerah, seperti: pink, biru laut, dan warna-warna lembut.

8. Fatin sejak Senin, 4 Februari 2013 mengganti nama akun pribadinya di Twitter dari @fshidqia menjadi @fatinsl karena alasan lupa password.

9. Mulan Jameela sebut suara Fatin "amazing" dan "bahaya" setelah nyanyi "Grenade" milik Bruno Mars saat tahap audisi X Factor Indonesia

11. Fatin juga masih pakai seragam SMU saat audisi

12. Mulan Jameela dan Ahmad Dhani sepakat suara Fatin mirip penyanyi asal Amerika Serikat era 1980-an bernama Cindy Lauper yang mempopulerkan lagu "Time After Time"

13. Fatin mengaku seorang penyanyi kamar mandi kepada tim juri

14. Saat audisi, Ahmad Dhani langsung meminta Fatin berada dibawah bimbingannya. Namun, Rossa juga ngincar Fatin, akhirnya ia jadi rebutan Ahmad Dhani dan Rossa saat lulus audisi dengan meraih empat "Yes" dari juri lainnya, Bebi Romeo dan juri tamu Mulan Jameela. Dhani pun mengaku "benci" kepada Fatin ingin dimentori Rossa

15. Usai audisi, bagi Fatin komentar paling berkesan dari Ahmad Dhani karena Dhani bilang suka banget sama suaranya hingga dia speechless

16. Video Fatin saat audisi nyanyi "Grenade" masuk situs resmi yang punya lagu, Bruno Mars

17. Fatin menangis saat tidak hapal lirik lagu "Rindu" milik Agnes Monica. Saat itu dia nyanyi bersama kelompok 6 di babak Boot Camp challenges. Dia mengaku gugup saat itu

18. Fatin sudah dua kali menyanyi diselingi tawa saat nyanyi "Grenade" (Bruno Mars) dan "Pumped Up Kick" (Foster The People), tapi dia tetap punya aura vokal milik seorang bintang

19. Fatin membawa contekan saat nyanyi "Pumped Up Kicks". Dia menulis lirik di tangan kirinya.

20. Sejak Fatin ketahuan punya suara unik, banyak masyarakat yang ngefans sama dia. Nama-nama akun di Twitter yang mengaku fanbase Fatin pun banyak bermunculan, di antaranya:

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HARLEM SHAKE Harlem Shake (meme) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Harlem shake (meme)) Jump to: navigation, search Not to be confused with Harlem shake (dance). For the Baauer song, see Harlem Shake (song). Page semi-protected The Harlem Shake is an Internet meme in the form of a video in which a group of people performs a comedy sketch accompanied by a short excerpt from the song "Harlem Shake". As a meme, the video was replicated by many people, using the same concept, and this rapidly led to it becoming viral in early February 2013,[1] with thousands of "Harlem Shake" videos being made and uploaded to YouTube every day at the height of its popularity.[2] The form of the meme was established in a video uploaded on February 2 by five teenagers from Queensland, Australia known on YouTube as The Sunny Coast Skate.[2][3] The video started a viral trend of people uploading their own "Harlem Shake" videos to YouTube.[4] The teenagers' video was, in its turn, a follow-up to a video by a YouTube comedy vlogger named Filthy Frank[3][5][6] which featured a section where several costumed people danced to the song "Harlem Shake" by Baauer.[7][8] Concept Cambridge, UK; images of one of 4000 videos a day uploaded at the peak of the meme's popularity. The videos usually last between 30 and 32 seconds and feature part of the 2012 song "Harlem Shake" by American electronic musician Baauer. Baauer's song starts with a 15 seconds intro, a bass drop, then 15 seconds with the bass, and a lion roar at the end of the first 30 seconds. Usually, a video begins with one person (often helmeted or masked) dancing to the song alone for 15 seconds, surrounded by other people not paying attention or seemingly unaware of the dancing individual. When the bass drops, the video cuts to the entire crowd doing a crazy convulsive dance for the rest of the video. The dancing style should not be confused with the original Harlem Shake dance.[9][10] Additionally, in the second half of the video, people often wear a minimum of clothes or crazy outfits or costumes while wielding strange props.[11][12] Success The success of the videos was in part attributed to the anticipation of the breakout moment and short length, making them very accessible to watch.[13] The Washington Post explained the meme's instant virality by referring to the jump cuts, hypnotic beat, quick setups, and half minute routines.[14] The Harlem Shake is technically very easy for fans to reproduce, as it consists of a single locked camera shot and one jump cut. Nonetheless, the simplicity of the concept allows fans considerable scope in creating their own distinctive variant and making their mark, while retaining the basic elements. In its simplest form, it could be made with two people; a more sophisticated version might even involve a crowded stadium. Moreover, there is a level playing field for celebrities and fans alike, with no guarantee of success for either group. There is a strong vein of humour running through each video that is not dependent on language, further increasing its potential to spread virally.[15][16][17][18] History Creation This meme was established by five teenagers from Queensland, Australia registered on YouTube as TheSunnyCoastSkate.[2][6] As more people replicated the original video and uploaded their own versions to YouTube, Harlem Shake became an Internet meme.[2] Viral spread On February 10, the upload rate of Harlem Shake videos reached 4,000 per day. As of February 11, about 12,000 versions of the popular Internet meme had been uploaded to YouTube, garnering over 44 million unique views. By February 15, about 40,000 Harlem Shake videos had been uploaded, totalling 175 million views.[2] Baauer's single reached #1 on the iTunes America chart and #2 on iTunes in the UK and Australia on February 15, 2013.[19] The Harlem Shake meme has spread in many countries, including the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany and much of Europe,[8] Russia and Eastern Europe,[20] China,[21][22] India,[23][24] Latin America, [25] the United Arab Emirates,[26] and Jamaica.[27] Legacy The unexpected success of Harlem Shake caused Billboard to bring forward its plans, following two years of discussions, to incorporate data on YouTube views as one of three metrics used to calculate the influential Billboard Hot 100 chart. This marked an important recognition that YouTube now plays a vital role in shaping cultural trends, defining hit songs ahead of radio programmers. Songs like Gangnam Style and the Grammy Award-winner "Somebody That I Used to Know" by Gotye owe much of their success to the new phenomenon of video virality.[28][29] In consequence of this significant change, Baauer's Harlem Shake made its debut at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 on February 21, 2013. Without the change the song would only have debuted in the Top 15.[30][31] The success of Harlem Shake also highlights a change of direction for music rights holders. With the exception of a takedown notice issued when established artist Azealia Banks tried to upload her own version of the track,[32] Baauer and his label, Mad Decent records, instead made use of YouTube's Content ID database to assert copyright over the fan-made videos and claim a proportion of advertising revenue in respect of each one.[8][32] Gangnam Style, like other videos that preceded it, was a corporate, top-down traditional campaign. By contrast, the grassroots, bottom-up Harlem Shake has been described as a symbiotic viral meme,[17] where open culture and business coexist.[32] The short length of the video, 31 seconds in most cases, impacts directly on the duration of advertisement that can precede it, which in turn limits advertising revenue.[33][34][35] In addition, the comparatively short life cycle of this kind of video meme means that by the time a traditional advertising agency or brand has put together its response to a current trend, it is likely that the trend will have long since peaked.[36] Reception Initial response Numerous commenters have compared the Harlem Shake to "Gangnam Style".[37][38] But the business magazine Forbes pointed out that unlike "Gangnam Style" and other notable hits from 2012, Harlem Shake is more of a meme, since a wide variety of groups and individuals have uploaded variants of the dance.[39] Martin Talbot, Managing Director of The Official Charts Company in the UK, described "Harlem Shake" as a "phenomenon", the first ever "crowd sourced video" to significantly drive sales of a song. Previously, as happened with "Gangnam Style", there was always an initial video created by an artist which would start a dance craze that was subsequently adopted by fans.[16] Projected lifespan The Atlantic magazine declared the "meme murder[ed]" when the mainstream Today television program broadcast their version of the Harlem Shake on February 13.[12] The Los Angeles Times cited a number of reasons why it felt the meme was nearing its peak, including what it described as an "extravagant" departure from the meme's humble origins, adoption by a very broad demographic including the elderly, choreographed corporate versions by ad agencies and marketing departments, apparent boredom of video participants, and significant departures from the original formula, such as the use of multiple camera angles and visual effects.[40] After numerous companies and startups began uploading their own Harlem Shake videos for what appeared to be promotional purposes, the business magazine Forbes advised them to produce their own original content instead of variants of the same video. It stated that there were too many versions already on YouTube, and that such publicity efforts could become "lost amidst all the noise."[39] Similarly, Ad Age begged advertising agencies not to "attempt to surf on the now-crashed viral wave."[41] Ad Age later identified sixty advertising agencies exploiting the meme, calling it "played-out" after Pepsico released a Harlem Shake video featuring dancing soft drinks. Gabrielle Levy of UPI called the Pepsi ad "a bridge too far," noting that low production values had been "part of the charm" of the meme. Time asked, "do you really want to open a can of soda after it’s done the Harlem Shake?"[36][42][43] A KQED blog declared on February 19 that the phenomenon had "jumped the shark" after heavy exposure in the mass media and a plethora of "forced and forgettable" efforts.[44] Notable performances of the Harlem Shake Various groups that shot videos of themselves doing the Harlem Shake included the staff of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon,[45] a squadron of the Norwegian Army;[46] basketball players from the Dallas Mavericks,[40] and LeBron James and the Miami Heat[47][48] whose version was called perhaps "the best ... [o]r at least the most irreverent" by Matt Eppers of USA Today;[49] IMG Academy American football players,[50] the Canterbury Crusaders[51] and Auckland Blues rugby union sides;[52][53] football players from Manchester City[54][55] and Swansea City;[56] and the colleagues of CNN newsanchor Anderson Cooper, the last of whom received a Twitter shout-out from Baauer himself.[12] Cooper showed video of his staff performing the dance, while declaring himself "horrified" and "uncomfortable" about it.[57] Other participants in the craze included the University of Georgia swim team, whose video received at least 28 million views,[19] music producer and international DJ Markus Schulz,[citation needed] "a senior community,"[58] NASCAR drivers Jeff Gordon[59] and Jimmie Johnson,[60] musicians Matt & Kim,[46] musician Azealia Banks,[61][62][63][64] the staff of The Daily Show,[65] Ryan Seacrest, Stephen Colbert,[14][66][67] Rhett & Link,[68] members of the WWE,[69] and EastEnders actors Himesh Patel and Ricky Norwood.[70][71] A video titled Harlem Shake (Grandma Edition), in which a man and his two octogenarian grandmothers dance, received over a million views online within three days. It was broadcast on the Today show and CNN.[72][73] On February 20, 2013, the cast of American reality television series Splash including Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Katherine Webb, Ndamukong Suh and Louie Anderson also uploaded a video of them dancing on the clip.[74] The same day, Australian singer Cody Simpson uploaded a video of his crew and him doing the Harlem Shake in his tour bus.[75] YouTube made its own version of the Harlem Shake by making the items of the page shake when the user searches for "do the Harlem Shake".[76] On February 22 in Tel Aviv, 70,000 people danced during a "pre-Purim street party."[77][78] On March 1, 2013, Fox uploaded the "Homer Shake" on YouTube, an animated video where members of the Simpson family danced to the eponymous song.[79] It was the couch gag for the "Gorgeous Grampa" episode.[80] The March 9, 2013 episode of Saturday Night Live substituted "con los terroristas" with "tofu burritos" and "do the Harlem shake" with "drink a vegan shake." Justin Timberlake appeared as his street performer character, dressed as a block of tofu.[81][82] Performances of the Harlem Shake with unforeseen consequences In February 2013, a New York boys' ice hockey team was forced to forfeit a first-round playoff game as a result of a Harlem Shake video uploaded to YouTube. The team's video, shot in a locker room, depicts scantily clad team members, notably, one player wearing nothing but a sock.[83][84] Two Israeli soldiers received prison sentences, and one was also relieved of his command, after they posted a video of soldiers performing the Harlem Shake around a cannon, even though they were reported to have notified their commanders of the project, taken care to ensure that no sensitive military equipment was shown, and sought approval for the finished video. The video was reported to have received a generally positive reaction from mainstream Israeli media and online.[85][86] In Russia, police arrested five people after they uploaded a video of themselves doing the Harlem Shake on a war memorial, an army tank from World War II.[87][88][89] A group of up to 15 miners in Western Australia were fired for breaching safety rules after uploading a video where they performed the Harlem Shake underground.[90][91] Following what was described as a Harlem Shake "incident" on a plane flying from Colorado to San Diego, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration launched an investigation. The participants claimed that they had sought permission from a flight attendant before the performance began, and that the seat-belt sign was off at the time.[92][93] A religious education teacher at Caldicot Comprehensive School in Wales was suspended after a Harlem Shake video was posted online which allegedly showed him dancing with a lifesize cardboard figure of Pope Benedict XVI. According to Monmouthshire council the teacher may have behaved in an "unacceptable way".[94][95][96] The Washington Post reported that according to the National Coalition against Censorship, about 100 students across the US have been suspended for participating in various versions of the Harlem Shake Meme. NCAC Director Joan Bertin referred to the suspensions as "a rather disproportionate response by educators" to what she described as "teenage hijinks".[97][98] The Harlem Shake as a political statement At the end of February 2013, hundreds of protesters chanted 'Leave! Leave!' as they performed the Harlem Shake outside the headquarters of Egypt's Islamist President Mohammed Morsi. In a separate incident, people were filmed doing the Harlem Shake in front of the pyramids. Four pharmaceutical students had been arrested the previous week for breaching decency laws by performing the dance in their underwear.[99][100][101][102] In Tunisia, after students in a wealthy suburb of Tunis filmed a Harlem Shake video in which they parodied Salafists and Gulf Emirs, the school director was suspended by the Ministry of Education. The resulting backlash saw the ministry's website hacked by activists, and according to some reports there were scuffles between Salafists and students wishing to perform the dance elsewhere in the country.[101][102][103][104] In the United States, U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's re-election team uploaded their own Harlem Shake video as part of his campaign to win a sixth term in the chamber in the 2014 midterm elections.[105][106]

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